Seniors 2024 Code of Conduct
All players agree to the following
All people involved in Rugby Union have a right to participate in a safe, healthy & supportive environment. As Administrators, Officials, Players, Coaches & Spectators, we all have a responsibility & role to play in creating & maintaining this environment.
Our great game has always faced challenges but never more than those facing us today. There is no doubt that the biggest challenge is that of attracting people to participate in all aspects of the game from playing, officiating, volunteering as well as supporting. It is therefore crucial that we all play our part in creating this safe, healthy, supportive & family friendly environment, which will attract people to participate in the various aspects of the Club. To that end, the Club has developed the following "Code of Conduct”. The Code sets standards of conduct & behaviour for all Club members & spectators & also reflects how we would all like to be treated by others; that is, fairly, equally & with respect & dignity.
Will involve club personnel in planning, leadership & decision making related to the Union. Give all people equal opportunities to participate. Create opportunities for people to participate in all facets of the game (players, coaches, club officials, referees etc). Help coaches & officials highlight appropriate behaviour & skill development & help improve the standards of coaching & officially. Set the example by providing Code of Behaviour sheets to all participants & encourage members to follow the expectations. Ensure appropriate rules & regulations are implemented that emphasize fair play & encourage enjoyment & sportsmanship. Treat all clubs as equals not on their levels or grades. Make it clear that abusing people in any way is unacceptable & will result in disciplinary action. Administer discipline in a just & fair but in a positive & supportive manner. Role model appropriate behaviour by demonstrating integrity, equity & fairness. Respect the rights, dignity & wish of every person regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.
Compliment & encourage all participants in an objective & courteous manner. Condemn unsporting behaviour & promote fair play & respect for all opponents. Emphasize the spirit of the game rather than concentrate on negatives. As Officials, set the example by role modeling behaviour, which is positive & supportive & demonstrates integrity & fairness. Remember, as the committee you set the example. Your behaviour should be positive & supportive. You are a role model. Be responsible for the conduct of players, spectators. Accept responsibility for the safety & welfare of players, referees & officials above all else. Be consistent, objective & courteous when making decisions. Give all people a "fair go" regardless of their gender, ability, rural background or religion.
Play by & adhere to the rules. Value safety, fair play & welfare above personal prestige & gain. Accept the authority of all referees & game officials. Never argue with referees. If you disagree, have your captain, approach the referee during a break or after the match. Never use foul language. Control your temper. Verbal abuse of referees & other players, deliberately distracting or picking on opponents are not acceptable or permitted behaviour. Do not question the actions of referees. They will not change their decision! Be a good sport. Applaud all good play, whether by teammates or opposition. Treat all participants, as you would like to be treated. Always co-operate with your coach & teammates & also with your opposition, as without them there would be no competition. Always participate for your own enjoyment & benefit, not just to please other persons or coaches. Respect the rights, dignity & worth of all participants regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.
Role model appropriate behaviour by acting with integrity & professionalism. Remember that the coach is likely to have the greatest influence on the behaviour of players & spectators. Never ridicule or yell at players for making mistakes or not winning. Control your temper, do not sledge. Accept the referee’s decision & get on with the game. Ensure that the time players spend with you is a positive experience. Be reasonable in your demands on your player's time, energy & enthusiasm. Always operate within the rules & spirit of the game, teaching your players to do the same. All players deserve equal attention & opportunity. Avoid over playing the talented players, the just average need & desire equal time. Remember that people usually participate for pleasure & winning is only part of the fun. Treat each person as an individual be responsible for decisions & the consequence of actions having utmost regard for high standards. Ensure that all equipment & facilities meet safety standards. Display control, respect & professionalism to all involved with the sport. This includes opponents, coaches, officials, administrators, & supporters. Encourage your players to do the same. Do not tolerate behaviour that may incite players & spectators against any on field official or public display of displeasure. Show concern & caution towards sick & injured players. Follow the advice of physicians or trainers when determining whether an injured player is ready to recommence training or playing. Obtain appropriate qualifications & keep up with the latest coaching practices & rules of the sport. Respect the rights, dignity & worth of every player regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.
Appreciate that people participate in sport for their enjoyment & benefit, not necessarily yours. Respect the decision of officials / referees & encourage players to do so. Applaud good performances & efforts from all individuals & the team. Congratulate all players on their performance regardless of the outcome. Never ridicule players for making a mistake. Positive comments are motivational. Condemn the use of violence in any form, whether it is by other spectators, coaches, officials or players. Show respect for your team's opponents, without whom there would be no game. Encourage all players to follow the rules & official's decisions. Do not use foul language, sledge or harass players, coaches or officials. Respect the rights, dignity & worth of every person, regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.
The Club will at all times be bound by the NSWSRU Amateur Status policy & not permit any player to receive, either directly or indirectly, any remuneration or reward whatsoever (whether by match payments or expenses or otherwise) in respect to their participation as a player in the NSWSRU.
It’s officials, coaches, supporters & sponsors will not entice any player to receive, either directly or indirectly, any remuneration or reward whatsoever (whether by match payments or expenses or otherwise) in respect to their participation as a player in the NSWSRU.
All players who sustained a suspension in 2023 who again find themselves sent off in 2024 & the offence is proven will automatically be suspended for the remainder of the season.
All players who receive a red card in 2024 & the offence proven will be asked to meet with our Club’s disciplinary committee where harsher penalties than those already imposed by the NSWSRU Judiciary may be imposed.
When a player receives a yellow card for dishonourable behaviour he will be replaced & cannot return to the field. Special dispensation will be given to front rowers if there is a shortage.
Any player who receives 3 yellow cards in a season must participate in the next available Assistant Referee course & will receive an extra week suspension. Players who do not participate will be deregistered.
Any player who receives 2 yellow cards for foul play will automatically receive an additional one match suspension.
Any player who incurs a fine will have to pay the fine in full within 14 days from the date on the invoice.
Players must train while suspended. If they don’t train – or are not proactive in providing valid reasons for why they can’t train at any time while suspended – they will be asked to appear before the discipline committee to justify why they should not be deregistered.
Suspended players must attend all games & assist in setting up the ground & volunteer their services for other tasks. Note they are not permitted to run the line or water or coach.